Welcome here!
This year our school-wide theme is taken from Ecclesiastes 3:11: "He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end..."
As a class we will be unpacking this theme and connecting it to our Grade 3 storyline: "Anchored in Jesus". Our goal is that others will notice we are anchored in Jesus in all that we say and do as we explore, experience and evaluate His world around us.
My deep hope for my students is for them to develop a wonder and respect of God’s creation. That they will be responsible, active workers in your communities. That they will recognize and own their struggles without shame. That they will humbly learn to help others; living through love, empathy and compassion for everyone and everything.
And now, a little dip into my personal life:
My name is Garth Allan and I have been teaching grade 3 at Calvin Christian School since 2012. I live on a hobby farm near Anola with my wife Stephanie and two children, Lewis and Mabel. Togehter we raise various farm animals while continually working on re-establishing the tallgrass prairie that once covered this area.
My passion is for native prairie plants, but my love is for children. I relate to their excitement to discover and experiment with the world around them. It is my desire to help them explore and take care of God's world. It is my goal to help them discover His amazing love and deepen their faith as they grow in their knowledge, understanding and love of His creation.